Epilepsy: Genetics, Precision Medicine, and Challenging issues

جمعه ۱۴۰۲/۰۸/۰۵ ۰۸:۳۰

جمعه ۰۵ آبان ساعت 08:30 در Aburayhan Hall پایان یافته




8:30 – 9:00

How to choose a genetic test in our patients

Dr. Ali Rashidinezhad

9:00 – 9:30

Genetic tests in epilepsy

Dr. Ali Reza Biglari

9:30 – 10:00

Epilepsy Genetics and Precision Medicine

Dr. Reza Shervin Badv

10:00 – 10:15

Gene therapy in Epilepsy

Dr. Amir Ali Hamidieh

10:15 – 10:30

Challenges of gene therapy in Epilepsy

Dr. Gholam Reza Zamani

10:30 – 10:45

Focal genetic epilepsies

Dr. Saeid Charsouei

10:45 – 11:00

Genetics in pre-surgical evaluation of patients with Epilepsy

Dr. Hamideh Arvan

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