probiotics supplements and seizure activity in children with drug-resistant epilepsy: a pilot study

Seyedemozhgan Heidari © ℗

probiotics supplements and seizure activity in children with drug-resistant epilepsy: a pilot study

کد: G-1080

نویسندگان: Seyedemozhgan Heidari © ℗

زمان بندی: زمان بندی نشده!


دانلود: دانلود پوستر

خلاصه مقاله:

خلاصه مقاله

Background: Drug-resistant epilepsy (DRE) presents significant challenges in the management of pediatric patients. Emerging research has implicated the gut microbiota in neurological disorders, prompting investigations into the potential therapeutic benefits of probiotics for DRE. Methods: This study was conducted as a single-group clinical trial involving 20 children with DRE to assess the impact of probiotic supplementation on seizure activity. Probiotics, containing seven bacterial strains, were administered daily for two months, while anticonvulsant drug regimens remained unchanged. Data regarding seizure type, frequency, and duration were collected both before and after the probiotic intervention. Results: The study revealed a significant reduction in seizure frequency after probiotic supplementation (p=0.023). While seizure duration did not exhibit substantial changes, the decrease in seizure episodes was notable. The patients had diverse demographic characteristics, experienced varying types of seizures, and were using different anticonvulsant drugs. Conclusion: Probiotic supplementation shows promise as a supplementary therapy for pediatric patients with DRE, and further investigation is warranted to understand the underlying mechanisms, patient-specific factors, and long-term effects. A deeper understanding of microbiota-based therapies could lead to innovative strategies for addressing drug-resistant epilepsy. Keywords: Probiotics, drug-resistant epilepsy, seizures, Iran.

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