Beneficial effects of Saffron on hippocampal neurons and reduction of seizure indices in chemically-induced seizures in animals

Nooshin Masoudian © ℗, Afshin Samaie, Akbar Hajizadeh Moghaddam, Sedigheh Khanjani

Beneficial effects of Saffron on hippocampal neurons and reduction of seizure indices in chemically-induced seizures in animals

کد: G-1031

نویسندگان: Nooshin Masoudian © ℗, Afshin Samaie, Akbar Hajizadeh Moghaddam, Sedigheh Khanjani

زمان بندی: زمان بندی نشده!


دانلود: دانلود پوستر

خلاصه مقاله:

خلاصه مقاله

Background: Epilepsy, a prevalent and debilitating brain disorder, is characterized by abnormal electrical activity in the cerebral cortex. Although several FDA-approved anti-convulsant drugs exist, they are often associated with significant adverse effects. As a result, natural products have garnered interest due to their potential anti-convulsant properties with minimal side effects. This study aimed to investigate the anti-convulsant mechanisms of saffron pruriens. Method: Seizures were induced in animals through intraperitoneal injection of picrotoxin, strychnine, and pilocarpine hydrochloride. Subsequently, the animals were treated with varying doses of saffron (25, 50, 100 mg/kg), diazepam (7.5 mg/kg), or haloperidol (5 mg/kg). The study recorded the onset of convulsions and mortality rates. Histoarchitectural and immunohistochemical examinations of the brain tissue were also conducted. Findings: The data revealed a significant delay in the onset of convulsions across the treatment groups. Furthermore, the duration of convulsions was markedly reduced in animals treated with saffron. Mortality rates saw a substantial decrease in saffron-treated animals. Additionally, an increase in hippocampal nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor (NRF2) expression was observed in the treated mice. In conclusion, this study suggests that saffron may reduce the occurrence of seizures and subsequent mortality through mechanisms involving GABAergic expression and increased hippocampal NRF2 expression. Keywords: Saffron, Seizure, Hippocampus.

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